Corporate Responsibility
Kanit Engineering gives the preference to provide quality, which does not only refer to our products, but also the way we deal with customers, employees, suppliers, and community.

Customer Care
Customer is at the heart of doing business and makes it possible to achieve business aims. We see listening to customers as important, and endeavour to understand customers more by standing at their point of views. We are not only a distributor of high-quality and reliable products, but also a consultant or a solution provider so as to create greater value to our customers and to provide all customers with a positive purchasing experience.

Employee Care
Kanit is a family-like cooperation. Care and thoughtfulness are what we always give to our staffs. Apart from the social security that is implemented by law, the company also offers accident insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and retirement insurance to employees. In terms of personal, the company also supports fund in wedding, ordination, family members’ funeral, and baby shower ceremony, including scholarship to employee’s children.

Community Care
In terms of community, society, and environment, the company does not remain inactive; we continually donate and assist people in need such as underprivileged people, disabled, and disaster victims in Thailand and neighboring countries, including hospitals, temples, academic institutions etc.
Furthermore, we annually offer internships for engineering students from various academic institutions to provide opportunity for them to explore career, to develop skills, and to establish a network of professional contacts, mentors, and references for the next steps to take on their career paths.